Dr. Christian Frommelt

Curriculum Vitae


Education and Training
2017  Doctorate (Dr. sc. ETH Zurich)
2011–2017 PhD Student at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH) (supervisor: Prof. Frank Schimmelfennig)
2003–2010 Studies in political sciences at the University of Innsbruck (summa cum laude)




Director of the Liechtenstein Institute

2018–2023 Head of Research Politics
2009–2018 various functions at the Liechtenstein Institute
06.2017–03.2018  Director Brexit Studies with the Liechtenstein Ministry  for Foreign Affairs, Justice and Culture
since 2010 various teaching assignments in the context of higher education (University of Liechtenstein; UFL), adult education (Stein Egerta, Academy of Politics) as well as personnel training for the national administration.
2005–2008 semi-professional athlete (disciplines winter triathlon, cycling, duathlon; various awards at major international events)


Languages German (Mother Tongue), English