Frommelt, Christian (2011): Europäisierung der Landtagsarbeit. Bendern (Arbeitspapiere Liechtenstein-Institut, 29).

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Based on the high proportion of EU-related rules in the legal order of Liechtenstein, this paper elaborates the effects of European integration on the political system of Liechtenstein with an emphasis on the parliament and the executive. The literature highlights deparliamentarization, bureaucratization and  centralization as the main consequences of Europeanization. Although as a member of the European Economic Area the national parliament of Liechtenstein can refuse the adoption of a legal act into the EEA acquis, deparliamentarization in Liechtenstein is even higher than in most EU states. Here we contrast the access to information and veto strategies of the parliaments of Austria, Germany and Liechtenstein. Unlike the parliaments of Austria and Germany, the Liechtenstein Landtag has little right to information and cannot issue an advisory opinion on the mandate of the national government in the policy-making of the EU. In addition, due to Liechtenstein’s strong dependency on the internal market the possibility to refuse the adoption of a legal act into the EEA acquis has merely symbolic meaning. Another form of deparliamentarization in Liechtenstein results from the implementation of an EU directive into national law, where a law originating in the EU is characterised by a smaller number of votes and amendments than a law with a national origin.

Keywords: Multi-level governance; external governance; Europeanization; European Economic Area (EEA); national parliament; microstate