Commentary on the Liechtenstein Constitution

Research Area(s):

In terms of research in the field of law, a commentary on the Liechtenstein constitution are uncharted waters, as no such comprehensive academic commentary on the state constitution, reflecting the current state of the theory and practice of jurisprudence in relation to the specific ordinances of the constitution, has existed so far. This conspicuous deficit – conspicuous also by comparison with Liechtenstein’s neighbours – has now been repaired. One of this project's particular challenges relates to the need to collate existing literature and case law and to condense this into basic statements about Liechtenstein constitutional law. Novel approaches have also be adopted in respect of the public accessibility of the information, with publishing the results as an online commentary in the Internet. This makes it possible to react quickly, flexibly and inexpensively to changes in legislation, case law or theory.


Advisory Board

An advisory board has been assigned to this project. Its role is to support the work of the researchers and assist them with its expertise. The advisory board comprises:

  • Prof. Dr. iur. Bernhard Ehrenzeller, University of St. Gallen (up to 2019)
  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. iur. Anna Gamper, University of Innsbruck (since 20 May 2016)
  • Dr. Christian Frommelt, Director of the Liechtenstein Institute
  • Univ.-Prof. DDr. iur. Christoph Grabenwarter, Vienna University of Economics and Business (up to 20 May 2016)
  • Dr. Hilmar Hoch, President of the Liechtenstein Constitutional Court
  • Prof. Dr. rer. publ. Andreas Kley, University of Zurich, Member of the Academic Council of the Liechtenstein Institute
  • Prof. Dr. iur. August Mächler, judge at the Liechtenstein Constitutional Court (since 28 September 2020)
  • Dr. phil. Wilfried Marxer, former Research Fellow Politics at the Liechtenstein Institute
  • Dr. Michael Ritter, lawyer
  • Dr. Emanuel Schädler, Research Fellow at the Liechtenstein Institute
  • Dr. Hugo Vogt, lawyer
  • Dr. Herbert Wille, former Research Fellow at the Liechtenstein Institute
  • Dr. Tobias Michael Wille, Liechtenstein Constitutional Court