Call for Papers: Workshop in Empirical Macroeconomics

20.11.2024 - Mitteilung
Das Liechtenstein-Institut organisiert 2025 gemeinsam mit der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz und der Universität Innsbruck einen Workshop in empirischer Makroökonomik zum Thema «Transmission makroökonomischer Schocks und Herausforderungen für die Wirtschaftspolitik».

Call for Papers
Workshop in Empirical Macroeconomics
University of Linz | University of Innsbruck | Liechtenstein Institute
March 27-28, 2025 – Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria

In the present turbulent macroeconomic environment amidst multiple crises, it is key to properly characterize macroeconomic shocks and policy challenges arising for fiscal and monetary authorities. This workshop aims at discussing topical research and recent advances in empirical macroeconomics. Papers presented at the workshop are expected to make innovative use of macro and / or micro data and state-of-the-art methods.

Paper Submission
We invite submission of full papers on topics in empirical macroeconomics until January 5, 2025 via email to empmacro2025(at) Contributions will be selected based on a peer-review process and notifications of acceptance will be sent out by January 26, 2025.

The workshop takes place at the beautiful campus of Johannes Kepler University (JKU) Linz, Austria, and offers participants with a unique opportunity for networking as well as scenic views and tasty food from the region.

Registration and Contact
Upon notification of acceptance, please confirm your attendance to the workshop by February 16, 2025 via email to empmacro2025(at) Please make sure to use the same email address for all queries related to the workshop.

Max Breitenlechner (University of Innsbruck), Martin Geiger (Liechtenstein Institute), Jochen Güntner (Johannes Kepler University of Linz), Johann Scharler (University of Innsbruck), Marios Zachariadis (University of Cyprus).

Call for Papers