„Challenges to Democracy and Social Life in European Small States“ (Erasmus+ project)

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The 36-month Erasmus+ project "Challenges to Democracy and Social Life in European Small States" was launched on 1 September 2018. The project was initiated by the Liechtenstein Institute, which is also responsible for project management. The project has succeeded in attracting partner institutions, mostly researchers from universities, from the following countries: Andorra, Estonia, Iceland, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, San Marino and Cyprus - all states with less than 1.5 million inhabitants. Only in Monaco no project partner could be found.

Over the next three years, the project partners will meet in the participating partner states to exchange experiences and research results on current issues affecting small states. Topics such as state sovereignty, international relations, economic development and employment, social challenges, migration issues, cultural aspects and many others will be discussed.

The results are to be made available to the general public in the form of high-quality teaching materials for adult education on a separate project website and on the websites of the individual partner institutions. This should also provide impetus for adult education in the small states involved, in order to include the topic of small states more strongly in the course offerings.

The project financed by the EU is endowed with slightly more than 380,000 euros (approx. 430,000 Swiss francs), in Liechtenstein the Agency for International Educational Affairs (AIBA) is responsible for supervision. The project will last until the end of August 2021.




Project duration: 2018 to 2021

Project partners:
Liechtenstein Institute, Project Coordinator
Universitat d’Andorra
University of Nicosia, Cypurs
Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
University of Iceland
Université de Luxembourg
Universita ta Malta
University of Montenegro
Università degli Studi della Repubblica di San Marino