Webinar and presentation documents on public service broadcasting ready for download

3 Jun 2024 - Notification
Patricia Schiess' comparative law e-book on the financing of public broadcasting in Liechtenstein, Austria, Germany and Switzerland was published at the beginning of April 2024.

In the meantime, the author has discussed further aspects of public broadcasting and media funding at the Liechtenstein Institute and at a webinar organized by Weblaw. On April 16, 2024, she elaborated on the similarities and differences between public broadcasters and private media companies. The webinar on 27 May 2024, on the other hand, focused on the question of who decides on the amount of the broadcasting fee and in what procedure, namely in Switzerland, Germany and Austria, and what the requirements are for Liechtenstein.

If you missed the webinar, you can watch it here. A supplemented version of the PPT slides shown during the webinar is available for download .

The PPT slides for the presentation on April 16, 2024 on the requirements for the media in the Media Act, the Media Promotion Act and the Liechtenstein Broadcasting Act are also available for download.There is also a compilation of facts on the license that Radio Alpin AG was awarded by DETEC on 11 January 2024 by Roger Schawinski and Stefan Bühler for the «Südostschweiz – Glarus» coverage area.