Challenges of External Differentiated Integration: What lessons can be drawn from the European Economic Area (EEA). Vortrag im Rahmen der Veranstaltung «European Union from Inside and Outside: Differentiated Perspectives on the Integration of Europe». University of Warsaw.

24 April 2023


Switzerland and the EU: A complicated relationship, presentation by Thomas Milic, Liechtenstein Institute
Poland in the System of European Differentiated Integration, presentation by Rafal Riedel, Opole University
Poland's Contribution to Intergovernmentalist Theory Building, presentation by Piotr Tosek, University of Warsaw 
External Differentiated Integration - Focus on European Economic Area (EEA), presentation by Christian Frommelt, Liechtenstein Institute


These lectures were held within the framework of the initiative “Exploring Liechtenstein’s and Poland’s Perspectives on European Integration", supported by  the Bilateral Fund of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014–2021 and Norwegian Financial Mechanism 20142021.