PD Dr. Stephan Scheuzger



  • Global history, 19th – 21st century
  • History of social policies
  • History of small states
  • History of punishment
  • Dealing with past injustice 
  • History of Marxism und the left
  • Ethnicity, autochthonous groups
  • History of migration
  • Public History

Regional foci

  • Europe: Great Britain, Germany, Liechtenstein
  • Americas: USA, Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Peru, Chile, Argentina
  • Africa: South Africa, Guinea
  • South Asia: India



Recent publications

  • “Sozialgeschichte und Statistik“ [Social History and Statistics“], in 1602. Wissenschaftsmagazin des Liechtenstein-Instituts und der Universität Liechtenstein, 3 (2022), pp. 14–16.
  • Vom Armenwesen zur Sozialhilfe. Institutionelle und organisatorische Entwicklungen der Fürsorge in Liechtenstein (1860er–1980er Jahre) [From Poor-Relief to Social Welfare. Institutional and Organisational Developments of Welfare in Liechtenstein (1860s to 1980s)], co-author with Loretta Seglias, Gamprin-Bendern: Liechtenstein-Institut, 2021.


List of publications

Current courses

Ausschaffen – Deportationen als Mittel der Migrations- und Bevölkerungskontrolle
[Techniques and Technologies of Deportation – Removal as a Means of Migration and Population Control]
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich
Spring term 2023

List of courses


Portrait of course: Research seminar: “Vom Hängen, Auspeitschen, Deportieren und Einsperren: Globalhistorische Forschungspraxis am Beispiel der Geschichte des Strafens im langen 19. Jahrhundert“, Universität Bern, Frühlingssemester 2018:


List of supervised doctoral and master theses



2015 Habilitation, Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland, Venia legendi for Modern History (Neue und Neueste Geschichte)
2003 Doctoral degree in Modern History, Faculty of Humanities, University of Bern, Switzerland
1995 Licentiate, Faculty of Humanities, University of Bern, Switzerland, Major: Modern History, First Minor: Philosophy, Second Minor: German Literature


since 2023 Member of the Board of Trustees of the Liechtenstein National Museum
since 2019 Research Fellow, Department of History, Liechtenstein Institute
since 2019 Associated Researcher at the Center for Global Studies of the University of Bern
2018–2019  Associate Professor (Dozentur) for the History of Migration ad interim (job sharing), Institute of History, University of Bern, Switzerland
2017 Guest Scholar at the Weatherhead Initiative on Global History, Harvard University, USA
since 2016 Member of the Board of the Bernese Forum of Criminological Sciences
since 2015 Adjunct Associate Professor (Privatdozent), Institute of History, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland
2013–2018 Research Professor of the Swiss National Science Foundation, Institute of History, University of Bern, Switzerland
2013 Guest Scholar, Research Project “Narratives of Terror and Disappearance” of the European Research Council, Institute of Literature, University of Constance, Germany
2011–2012 Fellow at the School of History, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS), University of Freiburg, Germany
2009 Substitute of the Chair for Extra-European History, University of Münster, Germany
2004–2013 Research Assistant (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at the Institute of History, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland
2002–2004 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Geschichte der ETH Zürich
1997–1998 Scholarship holder of the Swiss National Science Foundation, Universidad Iberoamericana UIA, Mexico City, Mexico
1996–1997 Guest Lecturer at the Department of History, Universidad Iberoamericana, UIA, Mexico City, Mexico

Scholarship holder of the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Faculty of Economics, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico

1991–2004 Language teacher in adult education (schools of the Migros-Genossenschaftsbund, Berne and Biel, Switzerland; Business Education Center, Bern)


Languages German (mother tongue), English, French, Spanish, Portuguese (passive), Italian (passive)