GDP Estimate

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Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a key figure for various economic analyses and monitoring. Even if GDP does not cover everything and should always be supplemented by other indicators, especially in long-term welfare analysis, GDP and other national accounts figures are central to economic policy analysis as historically established and internationally comparable concepts and are indispensable for productivity and business cycle analysis.


In order to improve the data situation, the Liechtenstein Institute produces an annual GDP estimate, which provides a first approximation of the annual GDP for the previous year almost one year before the publication of the GDP estimate by the Statistical Office. Since the economic indicators used in the estimation model are available on a sub-annual basis, the model also estimates quarterly GDP data (back to 1998) and thus provides another important complement to the official national accounts, which are only calculated on an annual basis. The GDP estimate is a module of the «Applied Economic Analysis» sponsored by the Government of the Principality of Liechtenstein. It appeared for the first time in 2021 and is published annually at the end of March.

Project duration: since 2020

Brunhart, Andreas; Geiger, Martin (2024): 2023: Konjunkturelle Stagnation mit realem BIP-Nullwachstum. BIP-Schätzung 2023 (27.3.2024). Liechtenstein-Institut.