In 1922, following the Constitution of 1921, the Law of Administrative Procedure (“Landesverwaltungspflegegesetz” [LVG]) became effective in Liechtenstein; to this day, it regulates the Liechtenstein administrative (court) procedure with domestic appeal stages. Due to its historical development, the LVG has shown some peculiarities ever since, which make it a special code of procedure that challenges the legal practice. A revision of the LVG and of the Liechtenstein law of administrative procedure as a whole respectively is foreseeable today.
The change between the old and new legal situation offers an opportunity to thoroughly investigate the Liechtenstein law of administrative procedure in the project at hand. Such an academic overall view is lacking so far and the scarce existing examinations of specific questions are out of date; hence, this gap is to be closed. But also for the legal practice the project at hand is welcome because in the future, its results will provide helpful, well-grounded and up-to-date information which can be referred to in cases of doubt when applying the administrative procedural law.
Accordingly, the project intends first of all to investigate systematically the jurisdiction of the administrative courts, i.e. of the former “Verwaltungsbeschwerde-Instanz” (VBI) and today’s “Verwaltungsgerichtshof” (VGH) respectively. Then, today’s Liechtenstein administrative procedure according to the LVG is to be analysed and criticised in its history and specialities, but also in its dogmatic construction de lege lata. Finally, with regard to a future revision of the Liechtenstein law of administrative procedure the project aims to discuss the new regulations and solutions, to classify them from the point of view of legal history and comparative law, and to consider them in the overall context.
Project Duration: 2017–2024