The Liechtenstein Government System: Organisation and supreme Organs of the State

Research Area(s):
Hauptverantwortliche Person(en):

The research project dealt with the structure and activities of the highest state organs, including education and competencies, the procedures of political decision-making and legislation. The supreme or state organs are those organs that are called constitutional organs in German literature. Their position in the structure of the state powers is of particular interest. The 1921 constitution in force has a history like any other constitution. It is the result of a historical process that has gone from monarchical absolutism to monarchical constitutionalism to a constitutional monarchy on a democratic and parliamentary basis or, to put it another way, from the old-style constitution to the constitutional constitution that is in force today. The close connection between constitutional history and the current state and constitutional order determined the methodological perspective of the study.

The research project was completed in 2015 with the presentation of the publication "Die liechtensteinische Staatsordnung. Verfassungsgeschichtliche Grundlagen und obererste Organe" (LPS 57). 


Project duration: until 2015