20 Years Women's Suffrage - a critical Appraisal

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On 29 June/1 July 1984, the male Liechtenstein electorate introduced voting and election rights for women in a referendum by 2370 votes in favour to 2251 against. This marked the end of a long political dispute that had flared up more or less violently again and again since the 1950s. Today, 20 years after the introduction of the right to vote for women, this report takes stock. What has changed with and since the introduction of women's voting rights? What about political and social equality between women and men? Where are there still deficits that need to be addressed? These and similar questions should be examined. The occasion for this overview-like investigation was the invitation to a lecture on the occasion of the anniversary event "20 years of women's voting rights". The present contribution is an extended version of this lecture of 26 June 2004.