Direct Democracy and Minorities Conference 22-24 April 2010

22 April 2010 - 24 April 2010
vergangene Veranstaltung

23. April 2010
Panel 1 (Chair: Wilfried Marxer)
Popular Votes and Minorities – Historical Perspective
  • Prof. Dr. Theo Schiller, University of Marburg, Forschungsstelle für Bürgerbeteiligung und direkte
    Demokratie at the University of Marburg.
    Conflict patterns and the emergence of direct democracy
  • Dr. Franz Cede, Associate Professor of Diplomacy, Andrássy University Budapest, former Austrian
    Ambassador in Belgium and to the NATO.
    Popular votes in Austria after World War I
  • Prof. Dr. Hermann Heussner, Professor of Public Law and Law of Social Work, Fachhochschule
    Minorities and direct democracy the USA
  • Dr. Dr. Rolf Friedrich Krause, Associate Professor of Diplomacy, Andrássy University Budapest; German Ministery of Foreign Affairs – former Deputy Director for African Affairs.
    Popular votes and national independence of Montenegro
Panel 2 (Chair: Zoltán Tibor Pállinger)
Minorities and Direct Democracy – Theoretical Perspective
  • Mag. Anna Christmann, PhD.-Student, Institute of Political Sciences, University of Zurich.
    Direct Democracy and the Rule of Law - Assessing a tense relationship
  • Andi Gross, Member of the Swiss National Parliament, Deputy at the Council of Europe, Strasbourg.
    The integration potential of direct democracy
  • Dr. Jonathan Wheatley, Centre for Research on Direct Democracy (C2D), Zentrum für Demokratie Aarau, University of Zurich.
    The disruptive potential of direct democracy in deeply divided societies
  • Mag. Elisabeth Alber, European Academy (EURAC) of Bolzano/Italy, Institute for Studies on Federalism and Regionalism.
    Federalism, minorities, and direct democracy
Vaduz, Art Museum and National Archive
Panel 3 (Chair: Bruno Kaufmann)
Minorities and Popular Votes – Case Studies
  • Dr. Zoltán Tibor, Associate Professor of Political Science, Andrássy University, Budapest.
    Prevention of direct democracy in the name of “rule of law”: the case of Hungary
  • Dr. Oleh Protsyk, European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), Hamburg.
    Popular vote and divergent outcomes of ethnic party institutionalization in Eastern
  • Thomas Benedikter, Social and Political Researcher, Initiative für mehr Demokratie, South Tyrol/Italy.Direct democracy and linguistic minorities in Switzerland and South Tyrol - A
  • Dr. Wilfried Marxer, Senior Research Fellow, Liechtenstein Institute, Lecturer at the University of
    Minorities and direct democracy in Liechtenstein
  • Dr. Rolf Büchi, Birmingham/U.K., Initiative & Referendum Institute Europe.
    Conflict regulation in Switzerland – the case of canton Jura

Saturday, April 24, 2010
  • Prof. Dr. Frank Marcinkowski, Institute of Communication Science, University of Muenster.
    M.A. André Donk, PhD.-Student, Institute of Communication Science, University of Muenster.
    Media coverage of minority affairs in election campaigns and direct democratic
  • lic. phil. Deniz Danaci, PhD.-Student, Institute of Political Sciences, University of Zurich.
    Religious minorities and direct democracy
Panel 4 (Chair: Theo Schiller)
Transnational Direct Democracy and additional aspects
  • Prof. Dr. Johannes Pichler, University of Graz and Austrian Research Institute of Legal Policy Salzburg,
    President of „Europa braucht Initiative e.V.“
    European citizens initiative
  • Dr. Kai Oppermann, Research Institute of Political Sciences and European Affairs, University of Cologne.
    The transnational spill over of pledging EU referendums:
    the case of the European Constitution
  • Bruno Kaufmann, Falun/Sweden, President Initiative & Referendum Institute Europe.
    Superdemocracy – a worldwide approach for the benefit of minorities across the globe
  • Dr. Bill Kissane, Senior Lecturer in Politics, Department of Government, London School of Economics and Political Science.
    Popular Sovereignty, European Integration and the Irish Referendum
  • Ass. Prof. Dr. Klaus Poier, University of Graz.
    EU Referendums from an Austrian perspective
  • Dr. Uwe Serdült, Centre for Research on Direct Democracy (C2D), Zentrum für Demokratie Aarau,
    University of Zurich.
    C2D data collection on direct democracy