Human Rights in Liechtenstein – Status Report 2023 published

31 Oct 2024 - New Publication
Since 2010, the Liechtenstein Institute has been compiling a monitoring report on the human rights situation in Liechtenstein on behalf of the Government. It provides an overview of Liechtenstein’s commitment to human rights within international organisations and at national level, as well as current figures on the human rights situation in Liechtenstein. The report for the year 2023 has just been published.

The report is divided into two main parts. The first part of the report is dedicated to Liechtenstein’s human rights obligations. In addition to the importance of human rights, it also explains their legal basis in national legislation. The report also lists the latest developments with regard to international conventions and reporting to human rights bodies, as well as current legislative amendments and initiatives, and discusses Liechtenstein's international commitment and corresponding activities, as well as current reporting to international human rights bodies.

In the second part, the human rights situation in Liechtenstein is illustrated on the basis of current figures and statistics on around 65 topics relevant to human rights. The report thus forms the basis for a comprehensive assessment and long-term monitoring of the human rights situation in Liechtenstein and also provides the basis for any measures to be taken. The data sources used are official statistics, internal data from various official bodies, annual reports from governmental and non-governmental bodies, as well as information from relevant media reports and academic studies.