Liechtensteins Dealing with Foreigners since 1945

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Hauptverantwortliche Person(en):

Sincce the beginning of the post-war period, Liechtenstein has increasingly become a destination country for immigrants from very different contexts. There have been several reasons to immigrate to Liechtenstein: The prospering economy and the associated good labor market situation, love, or even the need to flee from the old home to a new one.

The study examines how Liechtenstein society dealt with the various migrant and refugee groups. Who was considered "foreign" in Liechtenstein? In relation to whom did Liechtenstein society speak of "foreign infiltration"? And to whom was access to Liechtenstein society facilitated, enabled, or even denied? Divided into three forms of immigration, namely marriage migration, Italian labor migration, and refugee migration, the study examines a variety of governmental, institutional, and private sources and spans the period from the immediate postwar period to the present.


Project duration: 2007 to 2011

→ See also the research area "Economic History" and the project "Wirtschaftswunder Liechtenstein" by Christoph Maria Merki.