Municipal Council Activity

Research Area(s):
Hauptverantwortliche Person(en):

Although the municipalities form a central actor in the political system of Liechtenstein, their political competencies and thus the formal and informal influence of the municipalities on Liechtenstein politics have hardly been scientifically investigated to date. Based on a comprehensive data set, the research project investigates the activities of the municipal councils of the municipalities of Schaan and Ruggell. How often do the municipal councils meet? What topics are dealt with? Which institutions or organizations bring these issues to the table and how often are there controversial votes? The data collection is flanked by several expert interviews. Finally, the integration of the data collected in the "Parliamentary Monitor" project allows a comparison of the activities of the state parliament and the municipalities, which in turn allows conclusions to be drawn about the division of tasks between the state and the municipalities. First results will be available in the first half of 2018.


Project duration: since 2015