Domestic Impact of the European Integration Process

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The term "Europeanisation" subsumes the effects of the European integration process on domestic processes. The research project focuses on the effects of Liechtenstein's EEA and Schengen membership on its legal system, parliamentary work, administration, and economy. How and to what extent do European requirements influence the actions of domestic political actors? How high is Liechtenstein's economic and political dependence on Europe? What scope for national regulation remains? What effects does EEA membership have on key areas of the Liechtenstein economy? Initial results show a very high level of influence of EEA law on the Liechtenstein legal system. For example, between the past 15 years, an average of 30 percent of the laws published in the Liechtenstein National Law Gazette had an EEA impulse. The studies also show that these laws are less discussed in Parliament and receive more approval. 


Project duration: since 2011