Media in Liechtenstein. Structural Analysis of the Media Landscape in a small State

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The study traces the history of the media in Liechtenstein since the first newspaper appeared in 1863. Not only are developments in individual media and in the various media sectors - print media and electronic media - described, but the legal and media policy background is also examined. The basis for this is provided by archival work, literature research, document analyses, quantitative analyses of print media and the evaluation of structural and media data. In addition, a complete survey of journalists in the Liechtenstein media was used to investigate the professional requirements, conditions for action, attitudes, and motives of media professionals. Finally, in a secondary analysis of data sets, the user structures of the Liechtenstein media and the usage behavior of media consumers in Liechtenstein were analyzed. As far as possible, all analyses are designed to be comparative. This allows a classification and cautious evaluation of the quality of the Liechtenstein media system, in particular also according to its function in the political system of Liechtenstein.


Project duration: 2000 to 2004