Candidates answer questions
28 Jan 2025 - Notification
On 22 January, the Liechtensteinisches Gymnasium invited the candidates for parliament and the government candidates to Vaduz so that they could introduce themselves and their party to the students as part of the 2025 parliamentary elections. Thomas Milic from the Liechtenstein Institute was also present as an expert on electoral law and electoral system issues and was on hand to answer a wide range of questions about the upcoming parliamentary elections.
A number of questions were asked, from the influence of election advertising on the decision to vote, the effect of candidates' personal appearance on their chances of being elected, how a follow-up survey is conducted and evaluated, to the all-important question of how the elections will turn out.
Thomas Milic was unable to give a definitive answer to the latter question, but a satisfactory answer could - hopefully - be found to the remaining questions.
Kandidierende wieder zurück in der Schule. Article by Timo Frick in the Liechtensteiner Vaterland, January 25, 2025