State elections - a review

Lecture Series:
Wahlen 2025
30 January 2025, 18:30 - 20:00

Dienstleistungszentrum Giessen, Raum Hälos, Giessenstrasse 3, 9490 Vaduz

About the lecture
The lecture begins with a historical review of the legal framework for state parliament elections: Eligibility to vote, election dates, constituencies, number of mandates, electoral system issues and mandate allocation. Furthermore, the election results from 1945 to the 2021 elections and the consequences that arose, for example with regard to the formation of government, are examined. The changing party and media landscape is also addressed.


Wilfried Marxer, political scientist, former research officer and director of the Liechtenstein Institute, author and co-editor of the Handbook of Liechtenstein's Political System, Nomos Verlag (2024)

About the lecture series
2025 is an election year in Liechtenstein. But also elsewhere, for example in Germany. That is why the Liechtenstein Institute is launching the "Elections 2025" series of events in January 2025. The series will initially focus on the national elections in this country. It will begin with Wilfried Marxer, who will present typical, divisive and also curious facts from past state elections. After the elections on February 9, the first main results of the post-election survey will be presented. This lecture by Thomas Milic will focus on the question: Who voted for whom, when and why? At the end of March, Eike-Christian Hornig will report on the early election of the German Bundestag on February 23, 2025, which was called as a result of the break-up of the governing coalition. Finally, the state elections will once again take center stage: the fourth lecture in the series is dedicated to the panache statistics of the state elections. What can be gleaned from the panache voting behavior of Liechtenstein voters?

Von Konsens und Kuriosem: Die Geschichte der Wahlen in LiechtensteinBeitrag von Sina Thöny, Liechtensteiner Vaterland, 1. Februar 2025