Liechtenstein and International Law

Research Area(s):
Hauptverantwortliche Person(en):

Through its membership in international organisations, through the ratification of international treaties and through various forms of cooperation with its neighbouring States, Liechtenstein is integrated into the ever denser network of obligations under international law. From a legal point of view, the question therefore arises as to how the various international legal norms are to be qualified, what effects the recommendations and opinions of expert bodies such as GRECO, CEDAW and the Venice Commission have and how far the Liechtenstein legislator is bound by them. Such questions arise in various areas of public law, such as the organisation of the judiciary or in connection with the conclusion of a Concordat with the Holy See. 

Under the thematic focus on international law, the Liechtenstein Institute analyses questions relevant to Liechtenstein of international law as well as the implications of the Liechtenstein legal system under international law. Particular attention is paid to the aspect of small states and the principle of sovereign equality of States.

Project duration: 2018-2019