30 Years EEA: The Future of the EEA Internal Market in view of current geopolitical and global economic challenges

14 May 2025, 09:00 - 18:00
LI 9490 Vaduz

On 1st of May 2025 Liechtenstein will celebrate the 30th anniversary of its accession to the European Economic Area (EEA) and thus its participation in the EU’s internal market. The Liechtenstein Institute has therefore invited international speakers to shed light on the EEA from various perspectives. 

The European Union's understanding of the internal market has evolved in light of the current geopolitical context and recent crises. Geopolitics is understood very broadly here. It is not only about the security policy situation, but also about the economic aspects that arise from it. The focus is now increasingly on ensuring Europe's future competitiveness, economic security and resilience. The internal market is seen as an instrument to achieve these new goals and is no longer primarily an objective to be achieved. These developments have raised the question of how this new understanding might affect cooperation within the EEA. While this cooperation, like that within the EU, is primarily based on legal principles, the political and economic aspects should not be forgotten. At the end of the day, the organizers hope to have a clearer picture of where the EEA is heading in the future.

Details to follow. 

Registration required
Until Friday, May 2, 2025, at info(at)liechtenstein-institut.li

Conference language is English.